Ellevate, Forbes: Learning How to Hustle by Lisa Curtis, CEO of Kuli Kuli

Built By She - Repost: Lisa Curtis, founder and CEO of Kuli Kuli,

Ellevate, Forbes: Learning How to Hustle by Lisa Curtis, CEO of Kuli Kuli

A few weeks ago I spoke at my alma mater, Whitman College, on a panel entitled “From Student to Startup.” After a series of questions, one student finally asked, “What is the most important skill you need to successfully start a company?” The three alumni looked at each other and finally we all said something that boiled down to “learn how to hustle.”

Both a verb and a noun, “hustle” implies that you’re constantly moving or pushing towards a goal, be it money, a job or a personal target. Though often reserved for American gangsta rappers and British TV shows, I think “hustle” is the proper term to describe the steps taken by entrepreneurs to get their ideas out into the world.


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